Justin Bieber, an extremely talented singer, is one of the most popular teen pop star sensations in the world. He became very famous extremely quickly. Why? Pure talent is why. He was always involved with music and sang ever since he was two. He posted videos on YouTube of him singing in a music competition at age 11. He didn’t expect anything out of it. He defiently got more than he bargained for, but now he is on tour with millions of screaming girls following him all over the world.
How does such talent come from a boy at his young age? Well, Justin Bieber was a success from the start of his music career. At two he was playing the drums like a professional. Although what he used as drum was a little different. He would drum on his kitchen chair. As he was drumming he would sing, granted his voice wasn’t the best then, but that shows how much he loved singing, or any kind of music with a best for that fact from a young age.
While Justin was growing up his parents got a divorce. He lived with his mom most of his childhood. They weren’t very wealthy at the time, and Justin’s mom Patty had a hard time supporting him. As a single mom, and being only 19 when she had him, she did an exceptional job of raising him. He dropped out of school to be home schooled.
He wasn’t just a musician growing up though. He actually tried to hide the fact from his friends that he could sing and play an array instruments, or that he could sing. He learned how to play the guitar, trumpet, piano, and percussion, but he never left out time to play sports. He played basketball, hockey, golf and soccer with all of his friends. When his friends found out that he could sing they didn’t believe it, so they went to watch his singing competition, and supported the fact that he can sing. Those friends are still supporting him today, by going to his shows and calling to remind him that they care.
Justin was discovered when he was only 12 years old by Scooter Braun. He saw that Justin’s page had thousands of hits so he watched a couple of the videos. Scooter was amazed by what he heard. After Scooter saw these videos he went out searching and found Justin. Pattie, Justin’s mom, was very skeptical about taking Scooter’s offer to fly to Atlanta for a day and see how it goes. Pattie accepted after a very long phone call to Scooter. Pattie accepted and Scooter later became his manger.
Justin’s career started right away. Scooter took him to sing to famous artists, like his current mentor Usher. They were all so impressed by how amazing his voice was, and how confidant he was when he sang. Justin didn’t know how lucky he was at the time, or that one day he would be touring around the world and have million, and millions of screaming fans watching his every move. He didn’t know that he wouldn’t see his friends and family often, and the time that he did get with them would be brief. Even then Justin managed to stay grounded, and not slip into the fact that he might be a celebrity, and that he’s better than everyone else. By the help of Scooter, Usher, and his mother Pattie there is no way he wouldn’t stay grounded. They help him through everything, especially his mom.
Through all of the hard things that he has to go through, with not seeing his family or friends often, Justin stands tall. He doesn’t let something like that take him down, he keeps moving forward. He doesn’t care what people think. For him it is about what he wants, and his dreams, not what other people want. He is only 17, and yes it may be hard to believe, but he is a normal guy under all that fame, but he is nevertheless. He likes to hang with his friends, eat fast food, sleep in, and he even gets sick sometimes. So, if you don’t like his music, that’s okay, but don’t hate the guy behind the music.