Sunday, October 17, 2010


           Does patriotism still matter? In my opinion it does matter, and it always will, because the patriots that are behind this country, are the ones keeping us safe, and free unlike some countries who aren’t as fortunate as us. Seeing that, they are the people that make this country how it is. People like it like this and if we stopped fighting in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, than this place that we live in right now, the place we call home would be different. Therefore people don’t think about that stuff every day, I mean who would?
            Part of what patriotism is, is about is not only the people like the soldiers, but it’s about the president and our government too.  I feel that people don’t think about that every day. At school I stand up and say that Pledge Of Allegiance and I really don’t think about what I am saying, but it just saying thanks to the patriots and soldiers for helping our country, and sacrificing their lives and a lot of other things for our country. I only really thought about what I was saying a couple of times and, that’s because we talked about what it really meant in class, and even then I didn’t really think about it too much. I am not sure but I bet that no one thinks about what they are saying when they say the Pledge Of Allegiance.
One thing that we should do is talk about what patriotism is more because some people don’t think it matters, that it is important, or that they don’t care but honestly it is more than that, it something important and we should learn about it more. The only time I learned about something like this was last year, like I said before, but that is the only time. Now not the whole class should be about that, but maybe once every month or so we should be reminded about how lucky we are, and about the people behind us in this country. They are a very big part of our lives whether we know it or not.
            So do you think patriotism matters? Well I hope you do now that you heard what I have to say, but who am I to tell you what to think. No matter how you feel about patriotism it is important to me.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Clearing In The Woods

   As I look into the forest I spot a clearing in the woods. The extremely bright sun shining down on it like it was the only thing on the planet. I stand there and observe it. There was no movement, and almost no sound. The only sound there was the sound of the leaves from the trees blowing around hitting each other as they ride the wind. It was peaceful but what was I it? I needed to know something in me knew that I had to figure it out. So I walk slowly, closer, and closer to the clearing as I do so I think what if it's nothing, what if this is just my an imagination. I stop thinking and I walk straight ahead towards what looks like a portal, or I don't know, something very special. It's hard to explain. So I walk closer and closer until, I am there so close I can taste it, but should I go further?, I mean who knows what is there. So I do it I step into the light it feels special much different than I had ever felt before. Then I hear some one calling for me. It's mother, better get home before she catches me. When, and if I go back later, I hope that it will still be there waiting for me to walk into the light again.